social responsibility philosop -凯发一触即发

social responsibility philosophy
social responsibility management

    fuda group has always been committed to being an excellent corporate citizen and actively fulfilled its social responsibilities. in 2015, fuda officially released its corporate social responsibility of 2015 to 2017, blending social responsibilities into its development strategy, highlighting the importance of social responsibilities to its sustainable development, which signified that the social responsibility work of fuda became more systematic. fuda will stride towards higher development goals and worker with each concerned party to promote the harmonious development of the enterprise, society and environment and create a better life for the people.

social responsibility philosophy

    ““let’s create happiness together and promote development with responsibility”. fuda is committed to improving people’s life and promoting the progress of the industry, and making all concerned parties such as clients, shareholders, partners and society benefit from our efforts, making the employees enjoy more fruits from the development of the enterprise. we will work actively with each concerned party to create a happy life. all people of fuda are assuming responsibilities bravely, taking as their own mission to develop the enterprise and forge ahead with a high sense of mission. guided by this philosophy and giving consideration to the interests of each concerned party, fuda has developed corresponding goals and measures and actively fulfilled its social responsibilities around six major programs, “operational excellence program”, “customer satisfaction program”, “employees’ well-being program”, “win-win cooperation program”, “public welfare program” and “green development program”.

social responsibility governance

    fuda group will integrate its social responsibilities into its enterprise management system, corporate culture and decisions and make social responsibilities an inseparable part of its corporate culture. through internal reviews and management reviews, the company discovers problems in time and develops improvement measures to ensure that its social responsibility strategy is effectively implemented.

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